Backing up your Sanity project

Backing up your Sanity project

At the time of writing this, there didn't seem to be a simple way of backing up data from I thought there would have been a simple UI in the Admin backend that allowed you to download a compressed data version, but sadly, there is not. Af...View Article

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Create realistic random file names

Create realistic random file names

Have you ever needed to create a bunch of random file names to test something like Regular Expression? Well, recently I did, and I didn’t have a collection of files to hand that would test the regular expression in the way I required. So what do pro...View Article

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Online Testing With

Online Testing With

A website that I recently found very useful was the JS Fiddle website. It basically sets up a test area for you to try out simple bits of code, saving you the time or creating a test area. It also has the nice feature of being able to set up as dif...View Article

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Toggle Jquery UI Checkbox Array

Toggle Jquery UI Checkbox Array

Ok, so the title may not explain what this post is about, but hopefully it covers the basics. Recently I have been rewriting a website, adding smarted code and classes. One of the new features I have added is Jquery UI. While this in itself is not n...View Article

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